Total Shipment
Volume {{ getTotalVolume(sp) | number:2 }} CBM Weight {{ getTotalWeightInKG(sp) | number:2 }} KG Units {{ getTotalUnits() }}

Work On Totals

Your found {{results.length}} results for
{{ searchInfo.portFromId | portName }}, {{ searchInfo.portFromId | countryIdByPortId | countryName }}, {{ searchInfo.portFromId | portCode }} {{ searchInfo.fromDetails }} To {{ searchInfo.portToId | portName }}, {{ searchInfo.portToId | countryIdByPortId | countryName }}, {{ searchInfo.portToId | portCode }} {{ searchInfo.toDetails }}
Pick up from
{{ searchInfo.startFrom == 2 ? 'Port (FOB)' : 'Factory / Warehouse (Ex-Works)' }} {{ searchInfo.portFromId | portName }}, {{ searchInfo.portFromId | countryIdByPortId | countryName }}, {{ searchInfo.portFromId | portCode }} {{ searchInfo.fromDetails }}
Deliver to
{{ searchInfo.arriveTo == 0 ? 'Port' : 'Factory' + ' / ' + 'Warehouse' }} {{ searchInfo.portToId | portName }}, {{ searchInfo.portToId | countryIdByPortId | countryName }}, {{ searchInfo.portToId | portCode }} {{ searchInfo.toDetails }}
Package Type
{{ searchInfo.goodsInfo }}
Sort By:
ship plane {{ searchInfo.portFromId | portName }}, {{ searchInfo.portFromId | countryIdByPortId | countryName }}, {{ searchInfo.portFromId | portCode }} {{ searchInfo.fromDetails}} {{ searchInfo.portToId | portName }}, {{ searchInfo.portToId | countryIdByPortId | countryName }}, {{ searchInfo.portToId | portCode }} {{ searchInfo.toDetails}}
{{ searchInfo.countryFromId | countryName }} {{ searchInfo.portFromId | portName }}, {{ searchInfo.portFromId | portCode }} {{ searchInfo.fromDetails}}
{{ searchInfo.countryToId | countryName }} {{ searchInfo.portToId | portName }}, {{ searchInfo.portToId | portCode }} {{ searchInfo.toDetails}}
Best Price
{{quote.SystemCarrierId | carrierName}}
{{(quote.Departure | date: 'dd.MM.yy') || 'N/A'}} {{quote.IsExternalQuote ? 'Departure' : 'Valid From'}}
{{(quote.IsExternalQuote ? quote.Arrival : quote.ValidUntil | date: 'dd.MM.yy') || 'N/A'}} {{quote.IsExternalQuote ? 'Arrival' : 'Expiration'}}
{{(quote.Cutoff | date: 'dd.MM.yy') || 'N/A'}} Cutoff
{{quote.TransitDays}} {{quote.TransitDays == 1 ? 'Day' : 'Days'}} Transit Time
{{quote.VesselFrom}} / {{quote.VoyageFrom}} {{quote.VesselTo}} / {{quote.VoyageTo}}
${{quote.BaseTotalSellingUSD | number: 0}}
Current Price
Fee code Fee name Comment Units Unit price Amount
{{ structure.PriceDetailName }} {{ structure.EvaluationTypeName }} {{ structure.Comment }} {{ structure.Quantity }} {{ structure.CurrencyId | currencySymbol }}{{ structure.Value | number:0 }} {{ structure.CurrencyId | currencySymbol }}{{ structure.TotalValue | number:0 }}
Subtotal: ${{getActivities(quote.SalesProposalActivities, 3, quote.IsExternalQuote, quote) | sumByKey: "TotalSellingUSD" | number: 2}} USD
Fee code Fee name Comment Units Unit price Amount
{{ structure.PriceDetailName }} {{ structure.EvaluationTypeName }} {{ structure.Comment }} {{ structure.Quantity }} {{ structure.CurrencyId | currencySymbol }}{{ structure.Value | number:0 }} {{ structure.CurrencyId | currencySymbol }}{{ structure.TotalValue | number:0 }}
Subtotal: ${{getActivities(quote.SalesProposalActivities, 1, quote.IsExternalQuote, quote) | sumByKey: "TotalSellingUSD" | number: 2}} USD
Fee code Fee name Comment Units Unit price Amount
{{ structure.PriceDetailName }} {{ structure.EvaluationTypeName }} {{ structure.Comment }} {{ structure.Quantity }} {{ structure.CurrencyId | currencySymbol }}{{ structure.Value | number:0 }} {{ structure.CurrencyId | currencySymbol }}{{ structure.TotalValue | number:0 }}
Subtotal: ${{getActivities(quote.SalesProposalActivities, 4, quote.IsExternalQuote, quote) | sumByKey: "TotalSellingUSD" | number: 2}} USD
Fee code Fee name Comment Units Unit price Amount
free days at origin {{quote.DemurrageOriginDays}}
free days at dest. {{quote.DemurrageDestinationDays}}


  • {{penalty.Name}} - ${{penalty.PriceUSD}}

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